I was lucky enough to have grown up in Minnesota in the late 1970’s.  We had cabins up north on different lakes over the years and I was exposed to some really cool adventures. 

In the 1980's, my parents purchased a resort on the south shore of Leach lake.  We would spend every weekend there fishing and exploring the lake.  I was always enamored with the artwork depicting the native fish species that graced the covers of the fishing magazines of the time. The In-Fisherman, Minnesota Sportsman, Fishing-Facts, etc.

Flash forward many years and I have found new inspiration while living on Cape Cod. In particular, an old Bed and Breakfast check in station I dubbed the “Muskie Lounge” which was built in the 70’s and looked and smelled just like the cabin’s I encountered in my youth - same wood paneling and all. It was a place to hang out, where friends would gather to listen to vinyl, drink beers and have a good time.

These designs are the result of my own life experiences.  The initial release of hats will focus on fish I encountered on the lakes of the Midwest.  Future releases will include fish found in the waters around Cape Cod.  You may find some original designs on other interests in my life.

This site and the products offered here are all original ideas. My hope is that those visiting this site will enjoy the artwork, the story and one of the most comfortable hats on the market! -TMOM
Hope you enjoy.  North Stars!